Saturday, April 4, 2009

I have found a treasure on the internet :D

I am trying to do something about the comments that Blogger failed to import to my new blog.. and I found that I might be missing a post or two as well. I tried to search for this post on this new blog of mine, and I couldn't. Though this post is not a very interesting one, but I still wrote it.. so here I am pasting it here... :) :)

Originally Posted on: 1/25/08

You can find everything on the internet."
"Internet can really help you in a lot of things."

That's all very true.
I knew it to be true for a very long time.
When I learnt a few things by reading the tutorials on the internet.
Like I learnt to work on Macromedia Fireworks by reading tutorials provided by a website called
When the internet helped me in studying for some of my courses.
When the internet helped me in completing research assignments, presentations and stuff etc.

I knew for a very long time that Internet can help you in a lot of stuff.

But I never loved it like I do now.

For some time now I have gotten this strange urge to collect as many ebooks as I can.
On as many different subjects as I can. (but these different subject must have to do something with the computers).

It wasn't until I found a treasure of ebooks on internet that I fell completely in love with it.
Internet really is a treasure.
And it wasn't when I found the ebooks of infomational material like books on Software Engineering or Data Mining when I started enjoying the internet. It was when I found a reservoir of Stephen King novels that I realized how useful internet can be.
I found books on the net whose titles I have only read on other books but never saw then in any book store or book fairs. Like The Dead Zone.
And if you can get them for free on the internet then why wouldn't you like it haan?

Before I found the ebooks on internet I used to go through the "net storage" of my institute and found books there. But ofcourse they only provided course or reference books. What else would you expect from a university? Novels?

So here are the websites you can find good books on: (this one has novels too).

1 comment:

Ayesha Baig said...

No doubt! internet is a treasure
esnip is one of my fav links
I don't know many links but a community "E-booksDatabase" at orkut is also very helpful for me.

Originally Posted on:
February 17, 2008 10:57 AM