Thursday, June 25, 2009

Shadows of the past.....

It amazes me sometimes, how we keep living in the past. How something bad that happened to us a long time ago still has the power to affect us. I am not talking about things that have put a permanent dent on our lives, but things that we have overcome, simple facts that we have learnt to live with, the facts that are no more facts.
A simple example would be not getting something you really worked hard for, and even after you have realized that that something really wasn't for you, and what you've got as a substitute proved to be perfect for you. That not getting that something, not getting your desire, not getting what you wished dearly for, may have been depressing at the moment, but all got better after that. And maybe you got what you wanted to, but a little late. And you know all this, you know that whatever happened, happened for a reason, and a good one. You know that what happened was the best thing that could've happened to you, but whenever you are pushed down the memory lane, and you have to travel through the same depressing time again, why aren't we strong enough to make the journey down that road again with a smile, knowing that it had all passed now, and what you have at the present is good enough for you. Why?

And why, when you keep on telling people, who are going through something like that in the present, that everything will be fine. You keep reminding them that life won't give you anything you can't handle, and you really believe it too.

But even then, why do we still let that past control our today??
Or... is it just me????


Khurram Zahid said...

I dont think in this day and age, people live in their past. They are more tilting towards for better future...

Haris Gulzar said...

Well, there are times and situations that make you recall your past and, for sometime at least, makes you live in your past as well, but its only wise if we learn from our mistakes we made in past and look for a better future, as Khurram said...

Anonymous said...

The best thing abt past is that its does not exist any more..

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Read this letter:)


Intricate said...

@Khurram Zahid..
Welcome to Intricate Zone..
I think some part of us always lives in the past. But yes you are right that these days people are more oriented towards the future.. and maybe they are right in doing that.. :)

@Haris Gulzar..
Hmm the best thing to do with your past is to learn from the mistakes you made. If you can't, then there is no point to it at all..

Welcome to Intricate Zone.

Sometimes you do realize that it's the past and it doesn't exist any more, yet you don't seem to take out something positive from it..

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