On my way to office, yesterday morning, I was, as I usually do, reciting Ayat-ul-Kursi, durood shareef..
When I noticed that I do this whenever I get scared of Mobile-Snatchers and the likes and I started to wonder that we, human beings,.. well most of us, remember Allah in our times of need. We do remember Him when we are happy but the enthusiasm is heightened in sorrow. And I questioned myself..
"If I had everything good in my life. And I knew that sorrow won't reach me.. Would I still remember Him? Would I still pray?"
And this is what I put up for everyone to think (comments are welcomed)
"What if we have everything good happening in our life? And we know for sure that nothing bad is ever going to come? And we won't do bad to anyone around us, so that we don't have to beg for Allah's forgiveness either. And we had nothing bad happen to us in the past as well. Would we still talk to Him? Would we still cry out to Him? Would we still pray?"
1 comment:
Well, no matter how it may appear to the readers, but if everything was all good, fine and shine, no one would remember Allah. Its only the testing times during which we seek Allah's guidance and refuge.
The above is evident from the history of the past Nations and civilizations, who were far superior than ours in all areas including religion itself. But they all suffered Allah's Aazaab when they not only forgot Him but when He sent down His Messengers in order to give these people a second chance, they refused to see the light and thus were doomed to Aazaab.
Well this was from history, now lets look at it from another perspective, We human by nature are forgetful. We forget what ever has happened to us in the past. This is what helps us move on with our lives and keeps us going.
So we are bound to forget Him if we had everything good in our lives, cause that is why we remember Him, to ask only good from Him, whether in this life or the after life, so if we only have good in our lives, our logic will stop us from remembering Him, cause we will say why should we remember Him, we have all that we want to have.
Also if we have all the good that we want to have then we are not on Earth, we are in Heaven our Final Destination and it has been told that once a Muslim gets in to Paradise all his wishes will come true.
There is a verse in the Holy Quran "Aur Diloon ko sukoon sirf Allah kay zikar se hee milta hai", which means only Allah's remembrance keeps a heart calm and contended, which means one's heart must first be un-calm and un-contended in order for one to remember Allah.
So if everything good is happening then this will make the person happy and contended so he will not feel the need of remembering Allah. A saying from Hazrat Ali, which took me some time to understand can be a good example "Main ney iradoon kee nakami se Allah ko pehchana".
Humans are selfish and humans are forgetful, this alone is enough for us to forget Allah, but in addition there is a Satin whose only job now is to throw us off of Allah's track and make us forget Him, with all this, we are bound to forget Him,
Until and unless we make a sincere effort of remembering Him and keeping in mind the fact that every good that happens to us is His blessing as He is only good and nothing but good. And everything bad that happens to us is nothing but our own fault as Humans can never be perfect and we are bound to make mistakes and thus we are bound to reap the fruits of these mistakes
A comment that is a Post in itself :)
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