Monday, April 7, 2008

The Credit one deserves

Just a few days back when my friend and I were pouring over the Compiler book trying to make some sense out of it, one other friend of ours stormed into the room, his face betrayed his anger. He just sat down, and it was the first time he told us "what happened" when it was just the second time we asked. Normally he doesn't spill out that easily.
Khair, the actual story is quite long and I don't think I should be sharing it here, but the main thing is that he was angry because he was not being given the credit he deserved. He and this other friend of mine started talking about things that have happened to them, when they haven't been given the proper credit. They complained about the times they have worked hard, very hard on something and still no one recognized it, and I, at the meantime, was plunged back into the time when I was made to go through the same ordeal, my friend was experiencing now, when I too heard the same things being spoken about me..... and let me tell you, it hurts, it hurts like anything. And as a result you loose your interest in not only that thing for which you are not being given credit for and everything else.
At that moment when my friend were trying to prove to each other that they've suffered the most because of this, I was thinking my suffering is more than both of them.
But that's what we always think, don't we?
We think that the worst thing only happens to us, everyone else is happy, but we are the only one with tensions and in a gloomy mood. But let's keep that discussion for another time.
The problem now is why sometimes we are not given the credit we deserve. Why does this happen???
I don't know the answer, unfortunately.
I've been so depressed because of this for I guess the past month, I feel like an invisible person, no matter what I do, I would never be given the credit, I would never be recognized for my efforts and someone else would steal the fame.....
And for the thing that happened to me, because of which I've been depressed, for that thing, there is no one to blame. I've been close to tears all this time, even a small thing, completely irrelevant to the credit-wala-scene would make me cry, and one such small thing, did make me cry, I've been throwing things to let go off my anger, but I am still hiding this from everyone else, I can't tell anyone the reason of my bad mood and low spirits, I can't tell anyone about my be-izzati and I can't blame anyone for what happened, because there is simply no one to blame.
The girl who has been given my share of credit, completely refuses to take it, she has been trying to prove that I too have been putting in as much effort as I have, she even apologized when I was crying my heart out, she said "Bina, if this all is because of me, I am very sorry" and I wanted to say that "No, it's not your fault, not at all" and I even blurted out some of the sentence but the rest of it was clouded with my tears, I hope she got what I meant, I hope she understands that I don't blame her, but I am furious, and I don't know who to be furious with, it's not my fault, it's not her fault, then why did it happen? why did it have to happen?
According to my mom "life mein aisa hota hai"
and maybe life really is all about things like this.
But you learn to live with all of it....

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