Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Blog is Fabulous

There are people in this world who think my blog is fabulous.. Yeh!!!!!!


** Happy Happy **

** Smile Smile **


Haris  Gulzar honoured me with this award.. Thanks a lot :D

Do I have to give a award-receiving-speech? I think, I better not :P


Here is the award:


Rules of the Award:

* List five current obsessions.

* Pass the award on to five more fabulous blogs.

* On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.

* When you post your five winners, make sure you link them as well.

* Don’t forget to let your winners know they won an award from you by leaving a comment on their blog.


Hmm… so FIVE obsessions.. really? five?


Okay, let’s try it.. (I think I’ll copy some of Haris’s, coz when I read them, some of them seemed like mine.. :) )


TV Shows:

I have been a TV buff, since,… well… as long as I can remember. No matter what’s happening in the world, no matter if I have an important exam the next day, I would still find some time for TV. :)

Now I don’t watch TV, but I still watch TV shows.. on my computer.. I won’t even start listing the shows I have, do or plan to watch.. it would be a complete waste of space.. so just believe me when I say this,  it’s an obsession all right.. :)


Farmville: (for the lack of a better obsession :P )

It’s an on and off obsession.

I have never been a games freak. And I still won’t call myself that.

Some of my friends got me to play Farmville, and as I said, since then, it has become an on and off obsession.

Sometimes I don’t even like playing it, and I still keep playing.

Yesterday, if  I hadn’t been playing farmie here, I would have completed that dreaded, lengthy fourth chapter, and would have been able to write *SOMETHING* in the paper. The teacher gave a full question out of chapter 4, and only those topics from that chapter, which I didn’t even bother skimming through.. Can you believe it!!! Well, I know, everyone can… it must have happened with everyone at one time or the other..



Oh now I am getting the hang of it, coz talking is REALLY an obsession. I can talk for hours.. seriously HOURS

My mom sometimes gets so irritated that she asks me to stop talking.

My friends.. well.. most of them are just like me.. Anyone else, who isn’t that talkative, can’t bare me, let alone be my friend.. :)

If you want prove… check out the length of this post.. it said to list down 5 obsessions.. I could have just abided by the rules and listed them down, instead of writing a story for each..

A lot of people, well one in particular, (are you reading this post? or did you just leave it, like all other posts? :P) has complained about how long my posts are, and how he can’t read any of them, because they are all soo long…

I would stop now.. I’ll write a post on this obsession sometime, maybe.. :P



Eating: (this is one of Haris’s)

Yes, me too, I live to eat.. not eat to live..

If I am working/studying I get hungry.

If I am free I get hungry.

I eat a lot when I have exams.. and I always have exams.. so.. well…

(and they have just called me for dinner.. haha :P)



Is that the same as talking?? well, I am talking about internet, instant-messenger chatting…

I get tired of typing, and I still chat.

I sit in front of the computer at office, and still when I come back to home, I switch on my computer and sign-in to all the messengers.. and pity the person I find online at that time.. I’ll keep bugging that person, till they decide to answer :P

Okay, here are the five blogs I follow, and are fabulous for me


Ammad Saleem's Blog

Things I’ll never say

Bewildered Soliloquy

What happens in London


I have been really late with this post. I didn’t do any justice with the tag… and this time I won’t give the I have been busy excuse.. but that’s what I have been, busy.. oh was that the same excuse? :P :P

Thank you, Haris, once again, for honouring my blog with this fabulous award. :D :D

Friday, October 9, 2009

Sometimes goodbye’s the only way

I read a blog post, a while ago, about friendships and how they are supposed to always, always end. (Will post the link when I find it)

And the writer was absolutely right.

There was this line in the article that I really liked, and it was something like

“Your friends would do exactly what they promised they won’t do”

And this is a fact. Because when we make friends we just consider them “our friends”, forgetting the most crucial fact.. they are also “people”.

No one’s like you, no one is supposed to be like you. What would be the fun in life when everyone was just the same as you are. What would be the fun if everyone understood each other.

That article constantly reminded that all friendships eventually reach the same fate… “THE END”… all are supposed to end at one point or the other, the thing is, when would that point come.. sooner than you think.. or later than you anticipated.

But I have to disagree with the “ALL” part. Not ALL friendships end. Sometimes you have to make compromises, sometimes you forget about your ego for the other person, that is the time when you realize that your ego is insignificant as compared to the friendship you share with that particular friend of yours. Sometimes you give the other person a second chance. Sometimes you find a way out of the misunderstandings. Sometimes the fights would lead to a better, stronger friendship.. but not all the time… So you fight when you want to end the misunderstandings and continue with the good times as if they were not interrupted at all.

But there are also times,….

When you realize that there are too many misunderstandings, too many problems without a solution, at that time, instead of using harsh words and ending up hurting each other and THEN ending everything.. it’s better just to end it, without the preceding “big fight”.

Sometimes goodbye’s the only way… for everyone involved. It’s not good, but then again, it’s not supposed to be good, but it’s the only way.. and you would eventually GET OVER IT, you’ll HAVE TO.


Say your goodbyes with a smile.. and let go…