Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I have been Tagged :)

Finally got to know how tagging thing works :)

1. Last movie you saw in a theater?
Jumanji, wayyyy back when I was a kid. Went with my bro. Or wait... maybe it was Jinnah the movie, I went with my father, and loved the movie, but can't exactly remember which was the last movie I saw. It was most probably Jinnah the movie.

2. What book are you reading?
Have started reading Ken Follett's The Hammer of Eden. Haven't gone much far, and read the few pages days ago, because of our Final year project. In fact, I didn't even remember the name, I had to take out the book from my shelf to write the name here.

3. Favorite board game?
Ludo. :)

4. Favorite magazine?
Don't really read magazines, but whenever I have the urge and I have those magaizes I read Reader's Digest and Spider.

5. Favorite smells?
My mom's cooking.

6. Favorite sounds?
Haven't thought about that. Hmmmm, my neices and nephews laughter.... a child's smile can make you forget your tensions and become a kid with them.

7. Worst feeling in the world?

Being neglected and ignored. And not being able to achieve what you dreamt of. And also, realizing some day that you are not what you thought you were.

8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
These days, its....Ahhh, nahi uthna, time kya ho raha hai? thoda aur so leti hoon :P

9. Favorite fast food place?
KFC, Pizza Hut or Pizza Next.

10. Future child’s name?
Yeh bhi koi sochnay kee baat hai. Yahan apnay project ka naam bhi nahi socha jata yaar. :P

11. Finish this statement. “If I had lot of money I’d….?

I'll put it in a bank :) and buy all the things I want to if my mom lets me. She is always saying "buhat kharcha karti hai".

12. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Nopz.. and never have.

13. Storms - cool or scary?
Don't know.

14. Favorite drink?

Mirinda, Lassi, Apple Juice, Falsa juice

15. Finish this statement, “If I had the time I would….”?

Spend more time with my friends and family and of course watching tv. :P

16. Do you eat the stems on broccoli?

Nahi bhiee.

17. If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?
I'll keep it the way it is. Allah ne sab ko sahi combinations ke saath hee bheja hai, that's what I believe.

18. Name all the different cities/towns you’ve lived in?

19. Favorite sports to watch?

20. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you?
Well, Hina Aman is purely purely talented. There are a so many things she knows, there are so many things she is good at. How can a person be good at so many things... but she can. She is one in many. And you'll always find her smiling, she is a person who can crack a joke and make people laugh even at the most tense situations. And she is very down-to-earth. And I like her low tones. I usually am very loud, when I get excited I start shouting, but she always speaks in a very leveled tone and voice.

OHHHH.... it was supposed to be one thing :)

21. What’s under your bed?
I don't have a bed. I like sleeping on my gadda or just the zameen when it gets very hot.

22. Would you like to be born as yourself again?

23. Morning person, or night owl?
I used to be a morning person. But these days, I have become so fed up of working that I am neither a morning person nor a night owl. I used to wake up at 4 o' clock in the morning to study during exams or for making projects. Now I don't wake up till 8 (that I guess is early morning for some people, for me it isn't)

24. Over easy, or sunny side up?

25. Favorite place to relax?
In kitchen while talking to my mother (not cooking my self ofcourse), my room and drawing room where we have our TV

26. Favorite pie?


Hina said...

The tag, finally! SO, I, now have the honor of being the first one to have tagged you. This is an important fact that ought to be mentioned in your biography (or autobiography).

@ Answer 6: Yeah, if that smile or laughter isn't after they've torn apart an assignment you've been working on for the whole night! :D

@ A 7: Yeah, being ignored isn't a good feeling. And we never really know ourselves. So, we judge and assume things about ourselves. Biologically, if we come to think of it, a small change in the levels of our harmones or in the white matter or in the neurons can cause so much of our behavior to change. If at one point of our life something was true, it wouldn't necessarily be so at another point.

@ A 20: I feel flattered :P Kind as you are, you won't share anything other than kind words. ^_^

Originally Posted on:
June 24, 2008 12:24 AM

Intricate said...


Answer to Answer 6: Yup, very true. Their smile after they tear your assignment apart doesn't allure you at all, it actually gives you an incentive to.... well scold them :P
By the way once when I had researched for a long time and had finally gotten something my niece had just pushed one button and got me to some previous page. I was frustrated and in my anger I forgot the concept of the "Forward" button provided by browsers. :P

Answer to Answer 7:
I didn't really get this :)

Answer to Answer 20:
Thank you. :)

Originally Posted on:
June 24, 2008 8:24 AM

Nazia Gilani said...

2 things I wanted to say:
I used to sleep with a teddy bear:P my brother...and since he used to move a lot in sleep every time he'd disturb me he'd get a good set of kicking from me:P

And nowadays to complement my new look...sometimes think about streaking my hair blue:P...Bina don't give me that look..I think about it...but I won't:P:P:P

Originally Posted on:
September 26, 2008 1:53 AM

Nazia Gilani said...

lolz @ Bina not getting point 7...yaar kam se kam psychology to sahi se parh leti:P

Originally Posted on:
September 26, 2008 1:55 AM