Monday, June 23, 2008

We: the ungrateful lot (Collection of Random Thoughts)

We, human beings, are amazing creatures. We are highly unpredictable. There is nothing in this world that can satisfy us. We are almost always unhappy with what we have and we are always looking for things that we don't have. Well, here by we I mean mostly ME, but I think there are a lot of people out there who are like me in this respect. Not all human beings but most of us are like this.
We should always try to bring betterment in our lives but is it necessary to have it on the expense of our happiness? We worry ourselves sick for the things that don't matter. Work hard, yes but be happy at the same time. Why not be satisfied with what you have and still work for greater things.

I have always noticed that we (again mostly me) thank other human beings a lot. Whenever someone does anything for us we thank them. That is fine, we should thank them. But why not thank Allah as well. After all, Allah is the one who really helps.

When we succeed we give the credit to ourselves, but when we loose it was all our luck. I believe in luck, I believe in what has been written. But I also believe that for some things Allah has given us the power to change. He has given us the power to make the choices and face the circumstances, enjoy the good that those choices will bring and also bear the bad that those choices might bring. But isn't success is something that Allah decided to give us for our hard work, then why not thank him too. Why does it become so hard for us to offer those 2 rakats of shukrana. But when it is defeat that we face, we never fail to blame others and then eventually qismat. Why???

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