Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Chat Mania!!!

I have always been a chat fanatic.. I had written a few posts on that too. But it has been a few days since I realized that we all have become so addicted to chatting, and how this is not a positive aspect.

Now let me prove my point.. (I'll just keep myself the target.. :) )

  • To talk to my supervisor (who happens to sit right next to me), I find him on the chat network and send him a message. All I have to do really is to push my seat a little away from my desk and start talking to him, or I can just stand up look over the partition and start talking. But I don't do any of the above two and I send him a message.
  • When my class fellow, who is in my team, is having fun with our colleagues, and as I can't barge in but do like to comment on my friend, I do the same thing, I find him on chat and send him a message.
  • Whenever I am bored at office, and wanna have some fun, instead of getting up and going to a friend's seat, I chat with them. I don't get up, I don't budge, I just sit at the same seat I had been sitting on since morning, staring at the same screen and I chat. Whereas, leaving my seat vacant for a while won't let the business go down, would it? It would just be good for me if I could go and stand on someone's head for a while, and chat, chatting that includes talking NOT typing. But no matter how much I hate sitting all day long, I still don't go and stand and talk to someone.
  • At client side, two people from the same company, (one of them is obviously me), sitting right next to each other, and still... chatting.. not talking but typing. Even if the discussion is purely professional, we still chat.

They invented chat, they invented emails for God knows what reasons, but one of that must have been close to;
"to bring people closer to each other"

With chatting and emailing, even if your sister lives in another country, you can still know her day-to-day life, you can still have long chat sessions with her, you can still be close to each other. Distances have shrunk because of this technology.

Let's go a little beyond chatting now. We have emails and text messages too. Now friends make email groups so that they can keep in touch with each other. That's all fine. Pretty good. But whatever the hell happened to picking up your phone once in a while and calling them up. Of course you can't call everyone and through email groups you don't have to do that. But still.....
And what happened to having regular lunch with your friends just so that you can meet each other.

And text messages... uff.. I hate being wished "Happy Birthday" through sms. On my last birthday a lot of people wished but through sms only, and I have gotten so much accustomed to this that even I messaged my friend on her birthday rather than calling her.
I even get invitations to weddings now over sms.

(People may think that I have a very weak circle of friends, who don't like hearing each other's voice and thus, restrict themselves only to written conversations. But this is not so, if you think about it, the above applies to most of us, not all may apply to everyone, but some would apply to each. I have just collected them all at one place so it seems a little depressing.)

Another aspect of chatting; the emoticons. They have become a total replacement of emotions. We use emoticons when we don't have emotions.

And maybe we use chatting so much because it's easier to express oneself over a written conversation... Anyways, we have indulged into this activity so much that we keep ourselves from getting up and talking to each other as much as we can..
They call it "The Advent of Technology".
I say "There is something wrong with the human race".

Author's Note:
By the way, I intended this post to be humorous. Highlighting my laziness of not getting up to talk but sitting comfortably at my seat and chatting.
But as I am a very serious person, I turned this into a debate rather than a humorous and
tanziya (couldn't come up with English for tanz) piece on chatting.
My readers (if there are any) don't mind; the joke's surely on me.
And yeah.. I have nothing against technology. I earn my living sitting 9 or so hours in front of the computer screen and even spend my weekends doing the same. :) :)


Nadia said...

This was a good one Bina!
I love your blogsite Bina!

Originally Posted on:
December 29, 2008 4:01 AM

Danish said...

Very funny but true picture of chat addiction,I wonder what will be withdrawal symptoms will be!

tanziya (couldn't come up with English for tanz)= sarcastic or cynical?

Originally Posted on:
January 16, 2009 9:59 PM

Intricate said...

Thank you yaar :) :)

Welcome to my blog. Thanks for dropping comments.
Yup.. your agreement shows that it's the case with everyone. We have all become addicted to chat I guess.
Yeah,.. thanks for English for tanziya. :) :)

Originally Posted on:
January 16, 2009 11:05 PM